Mojitos from TannerGonzalez

Mojitos from TannerGonzalez

f r e s h || m o j i t o s I n g r e d i e n t s : 1 0 || fresh mint leaves 1 / 2 || lime [ cut into wedges 2  || tablespoons,  white sugar 1   || cup, ice cubes 1  1 / 2  ||  fluid ounces, white rum 1 / 2 || cup, club soda d i r e c t i o n s : Place mint leaves and...
Smoking is the new grilling.

Smoking is the new grilling.

AMERICA IS going up in smoke: fragrant clouds of hickory, pungent blasts of mesquite, in new-school barbecue and a growing number of backyards. Smoking is the new grilling. It’s easy, but not always simple. Given that there are hundreds of models and dozens of smoker...